
Showing posts from February, 2018

the lesson of REGRET

Regret. What is regret? The dictionary definition for regret is :  to feel sorrow or remorse for an act, fault, disappointment etc.  Learning about regret the hard way can be painful. It can make you feel awful and empty inside and can make one wish time travel existed. During my experience with regret one thing I have learnt is that regret provides short term happiness, not long term happiness. It is important to understand the difference between short term happiness and long term happiness and have the ability to remember this difference. This message for me is still sinking in but I feel like I am finally beginning to understand it. When you are in the moment you feel the burst of happiness. This burst can often be so strong that it overcomes the part of your brain that is telling you that this is a bad idea and you will regret it later on. Being caught up in the moment is invariable and dangerous. In my experience being in the moment can make me feel carefree and happ

Who am I?

Hi, it's me. Of course, none of you know who 'me' is and to be honest I'm not really sure who 'me' is either. That's a lesson that I'm still learning and during this lesson I've learnt a lot of other valuable lessons. These lessons, although painful at times, has taught me a lot and this blog is for me to share everything I have and will learn so that all who read this can learn and not make the mistakes I did. The mistakes I have made have been some of the worst and some of the best. They have all taught me something and deep down I think I am grateful for this, even though at times I felt I was on a long and tough road to nowhere. This blog is going to be about those lessons and I hope that all who read this can take something away from it and apply it in your own lives. Each post will be about a lesson I have learnt and the experience I had to go through in order to learn it. Of course I'm going to keep making mistakes, I am only hum